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Stacking Pick Bins

Correx stacking pick bins
Correx picking bins
Euro stacking pick bins
Stacking bin with dividers
Stacking storage bins

Custom Correx® Picking Bins

Euro stacking pick bins for businesses of all sizes

Correx® stacking pick bins are the perfect way to store, organise and quickly retrieve your stock. Durable Correx® material offers increased protection & longevity than cardboard bins, whilst being more cost effective than moulded plastic.

Correx® picking bins can be modular in size, to maximise both the picking area and the number of SKU (stock keeping unit) available. They also minimise distance and time between picks. Read More

Available Colours:

White Correx
Grey Correx
Black Correx
Blue Correx
Green Correx
Yello Correx
Red Correx
  • No obligation (and no pressure) quotes for any picking bins
  • Free and impartial advice from UK based experts
  • Competitive pricing and full customisation options


Detailed information on Correx® Euro Stacking Pick Bins

Unlike using moulded plastic picking bins, Correx® Euro stacking pick bins can be supplied in the exact size and shape you require. Designed and manufactured in house by GWP, this ensures they are tailored perfectly to the products to be stored, or your available warehouse or storage space.

This dimensional flexibility can reduce storage costs too (effectively meaning you do not have to choose the nearest size bin, which will inevitably lead to wasted space).

The free-standing design of these stacking pick bins also means that they can be used within racking, on aisle ends or indeed anywhere within your warehouse or fulfilment centre. This in turn provides a solution for your business when managing seasonal fluctuations (e.g. additional Christmas stock) and spikes in demand of your products.

The use of Correx® stacking picking bins can also directly impact the efficiency – and therefore productivity and profitability – of your business.

The most obvious way this can be seen is through the quicker and easier retrieval of stock from your inventory. This effectively reduces picking times and allows your operatives to fulfil more orders.

Enhancing your stacking pick bins

This benefit can be further enhanced in a number of ways. Adding label areas and printing of instructions or part numbers can speed visual recognition, whilst the use of different coloured Correx® pick bins can be used to further segment stock. All Correx® bins can also be screen printed for identification, branding, instructions or warning purposes to further improve the efficiency of anyone picking orders.

The strength of Correx® also ensures that bins will not burst or split, again preventing injuries but also protecting stock from damage too.

Similarly, Correx® material is resistant to moisture, oil and grease. Not only does this ensure that these stackable storage boxes can be used in a wider range of environments, but it also increases their lifespan and helps protect the items stored within. This makes them a much more durable option than equivalent cardboard picking bins.

Correx® Euro stacking pick bins are also easy to “wipe clean”, again extending their lifespan but also meaning that they are suitable for applications where hygiene is important (e.g. medical and food sectors, amongst others).

As the corrugated plastic material can also be used at low temperatures, your Correx® euro bins can be used in refrigeration, cold store and unheated warehouses without the risk of failure.

All of this means that Correx® stacking pick bins are a great solution for any business looking to improve their order picking and fulfilment processes.

Key Benefits of Stacking Pick Bins at a glance

  • Find stock and components more quickly, boosting productivity
  • Choice of colours to allow segmentation of stock and coded inventories
  • Optional label areas and printing to aid warehouse / fulfilment staff
  • Strong Correx® material ensures longer lifespan
  • Wipe clean surfaces, aiding re-usability and perfect for medical / clean room
  • Custom sizes tailored perfectly to match your product or racking, maximising storage space
  • Free-standing designs can add additional storage during seasonal demand fluctuations
  • Oil grease and moisture resistant, protecting items within
  • Can be used at low temperatures, in applications such as refrigeration or cold storage
  • Supplied flat to minimise storage / transit costs, or fully assembled to save time & labour costs


Common questions regarding Stacking Pick Bins

Please see below for the most commonly asked questions regarding Euro stacking pick bins / Correx® picking bins.

Haven’t found the answer to your question? Then please contact a friendly adviser on 01793 754 457 or email

What is the difference between a stacking pick bin and a euro stacking bin?

The terms stacking pick bin and Euro stacking pick bin are pretty much interchangeable. The only real difference is that the prefix of “euro” can indicate that the bins are only available in a set of predefined sizes (commonly used in Europe). GWP can manufacture picking bins to these set dimensions, or you can specify completely bespoke sizes / configurations to match your specific requirements.

Can Correx® picking bins be made to any size?

Correx® bins can be designed and manufactured to virtually any size and design (within reason of course). This makes them a great choice where the strength and properties of moulded plastic bins are required, but they are not available in sizes suitable for your inventory / space. Using tailored sized Correx® picking bins can also help your business maximise space efficiency too.

What colours can stacking pick bins be?

Correx® stacking parts bins can be manufactured in a range of standard colours. These are white, black, yellow, green, red and blue. Other colours can be selected (including custom hues) but these are subject to much higher MOQs (minimum order quantities). Utilising different colour stacking pick bins within your warehouse can also help with segmenting stock and aiding picking efficiency.

Why should my business use Correx® picking bins?

Correx® storage bins offer the perfect balance of cost, performance, lifespan and flexibility. They offer strength and lifespan equivalent to moulded plastic parts bins at a lower cost. Plus they offer much greater longevity that cardboard bins, whilst retaining the option of being manufactured in custom sizes.

Cardboard picking bins are cheaper. Should I use those instead?

Cardboard picking bins are the lowest cost picking bin option available. This is because, whilst they are good for short term requirements or light usage, their lifespan is considerably shorter than that of the plastic picking bin equivalents. So whilst they may be cheaper initially, over the medium to long term, they will be more expensive (due the cost of continually replacing them).

Are there different style picking bins available?

Besides these Correx® euro stacking pick bins, GWP can offer your business a wide range of additional options. This includes Correx® shelf bins and parts bins, corrugated cardboard bins (often referred to as K bins), plus moulded plastic “lin bins”. This is in addition to specialist anti-static bins. And if none of these are exactly what you are looking for, GWP can design and manufacture completely custom bins to any specification.

How high can these Euro pick bins be stacked?

How high the Euro bins can be stacked depends on a number of factors, including the size of the containers, the design, and the weight of the contents. As a general rule of thumb, the bins should not be stacked higher than your order pickers can comfortably reach. However, if you have a specific requirement, GWP will be able to design and manufacture picking bins that meet your criteria.

Are these bins suitable for dusty or damp conditions?

Correx® stacking pick bins (and indeed any of the plastic picking bin options from GWP) offer great resistance to moisture, damp conditions and most chemicals. They also have smooth walls, making it easy for them be cleaned if they become dusty / dirty. And, unlike cardboard, they do not shed fibres, further minimising the generation of dust in your warehouse / fulfilment centre.

Tailored Quotes / Pricing

Custom stacking pick bins to your exact requirements

GWP Correx® have over 25 years experience in producing tailored picking solutions. Rather than simply selling your business the nearest “off the shelf” stock option, we will produce custom stacking pick bins that are tailored to your exact requirements. The perfect size, strength and configuration for your warehouse and / or products, and that is appropriate for your budget as well.

So if your existing Correx® stacking pick bins aren’t up to the job, you are looking to implement a pick face wall in your business, or just need some help and advice on the best picking bins to improve your order fulfilment times, GWP can help. Get a free, no obligation quote today.

Alternative Picking Bins

Widest range of options from a single supplier

Not sure that Euro Stacking Pick bins are exactly what you need at your business? GWP can still help!

Please see below for the widest range of different picking bins available from a single, independent UK manufacturer. And if none of these are what you need either, GWP Correx® can design and produce a completely custom solution tailored to your exact requirements.

Pick face wall

Multi Container Pick Walls

Correx picking bin colour options

Custom Sizes
Enquire for details

Plastic pigeon holes

Industrial Plastic Pigeon Holes

Correx picking bin colour options

Custom Sizes
Enquire for details

Correx shelf bins

Custom Correx® Shelf Bins

Correx picking bin colour options

Custom Sizes
Enquire for details

Plastic parts bins

Plastic Parts Bins (SSI Schaefer)

Plastic parts bins colours

7 Stock Sizes
Enquire for details

Divided pick bins

Correx® Divided Pick Bins

Correx picking bin colour options

Custom Sizes
Enquire for details

Cardboard picking bins

Cardboard Picking Bins

Cardboard picking bin colours

Custom Sizes
Enquire for details

Complementary Fulfilment Packaging

Packaging and handling products to aid your order picking and fulfilment

Ecommerce packaging boxes

Ecommerce Boxes

Custom corrugated packaging for any business selling online

Postal packaging boxes and mailers

Postal Packaging

Wide range of mailers, shippers & cardboard postal packaging

A gable style Correx box in red material with white printed logo

Correx® Products

Durable Correx® products for various applications

Multi trip packaging

Handling Totes

Line-side containers and returnable supply chain totes

Correx picking bins

Picking Bins

See all options to assist your order picking processes

Cardboard ecommerce packaging

All Packaging

Largest range available from a single supplier

Quotes, technical info and advice

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    Speak with our UK-based Correx® experts

    Fiona Churchward, GWP Conductive product adviser

    Fiona Churchward

    Product Adviser
    01793 754 457

    Brenda Plinta

    Brenda Plinta

    Sales Coordinator
    01793 754 457

    Emily Parker, GWP Correx sales office manager

    Emily Parker

    General Manager
    01793 754 444

    Phone GWP

    01793 754 457

    Mon – Fri 08.30 – 17.00

    Email GWP

    Email a Correx® expert

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