GWP Group
Everything you could need to know about the GWP Group business…
At GWP Group we pride ourselves on being more than just another packaging company.
We believe in making communication about our business a part of our business, not only for our customers but also for anyone who has an interest. This is the reason we are committed to providing packaging advice and information through a number of channels and media.
As well as market leading packaging products and services, GWP also has a presence on a wide range of online platforms.

Please use the links below to find out more about how you can keep in touch with GWP, our complementary websites and services, plus the latest jobs and recruitment across our 5 divisions. You can also click here here to see the latest news, guides and case studies.
Besides this you can also find out about the key benefits we can offer your business, a selection of the markets we serve, read the latest company news, plus general information about our business and people.
Areas of Interest
History, services, environmental responsibility, company news and much more
Please click a topic below to get started…

About GWP Group
History, products, people, services and more
Everything you need to know about GWP – the innovators in protective packaging! For detailed information about our history, operations, people, products, media coverage and indeed pretty much everything about our company, please continue reading by clicking below.

Quality Standards
A commitment to producing high quality packaging
At GWP, we understand how critical your packaging can be to your business. As such, we are ISO accredited, have links with the ISTA (International Safe Transit Association) and have won numerous packaging awards over our 30 year history.

Market Knowledge
Specific knowledge & experience for every sector
Having been in business for over 30 years, GWP have built up a wealth of detailed knowledge of the challenges faced by specific markets and industry sectors. This includes, but is not limited to, automotive, aerospace, medical, electronics, food & drink, retail and many many more.

A sustainable approach to producing packaging
A key consideration of good packaging design involves the generation of less waste, whilst maintaining end-consumers ability to use it and the products efficiently. Find out how GWP can help you achieve this, without without compromising quality or cost effectiveness.

Packaging jobs in Swindon & Salisbury
Strong growth and a determination to build a winning team has seen GWP actively recruiting for a number of years. This includes production, warehousing, office and sales roles, amongst others. If you think you can make a positive impact on our business, please click below.

Company News / Blog
Sponsorships, events, media coverage and more
For information on company events, collaborations with and support for local schools and charities, plus new members of staff, investment in equipment and press coverage (including BBC TV), please visit the news section of this site.

Services & Benefits
Strategies to improve your packaging / business
Put simply, working with GWP Group can provide your business with a competitive advantage. Discover more about a range of market leading services and benefits – from reducing costs to eliminating transit damage, minimising warehouse space to custom design.
Get advice from a packaging specialist
If you haven’t found the information you are looking for, or would prefer to speak with an advisor, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at GWP today.
About GWP Group
GWP Group Companies
Your Packaging. But Better...
Guides & Advice

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Get your free guide highlighting 17 strategies to reduce your long term packaging costs
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Here to Help
Contact a member of our sales & support team directly

David Mason
(Corrugated / POS)
01793 754 444

Ian Cook
01793 754 457

Ian Heskins
(Cases / Foam)
01722 416 440

01793 754 444
Mon – Fri 08.00 – 17.00
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